Course curriculum

The course is a series of hour long videos packed with specifics that you can apply for your child. There is homework for each session and extra podcasts from affiliates

    1. How to Use This Course

    2. Starting Survey

    1. Session 1: Functional Focus Is Our Nature

    1. Important Lab Tests For ADHD Learners

    2. How Much Does Your Kid Actually Eat? Use This Form To Track It (It may be less than you think)

    3. Sensory Nutrition Checklist - Nutrition Problems That Cause ADHD Problems

    4. How Much Food Does Your Kid Really Need? Use This App To Find Out (And Get The Recipes For It)

    1. Session 2: Essentials To Balance Minerals Correctly For Calm, Focus, and Mood

    1. Recipes To Try This Week

    2. Your Wellevate Discount - Your Source For Provider-Only Premium Supplements

    3. Calming Magnesium - Topical Option

    1. Biome = Behavior: Keys To Optimizing Gut Biome... To Optimize Attention, Energy, And Cognition

About this course

  • $269.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Your Instructor

More about Judy's background

owner Nutrition Care for Chilidren, LLC Judy Converse MPH RD LD

Judy Converse is a Boulder, Colorado-based licensed, registered dietitian/nutritionist with 20+ years experience working exclusively with infants, children, and teens. She has authored five books and is an invited speaker at many national venues, from the National Autism Association to MAGIC Foundation. She has been featured in articles by Dietitian Today, Autism Science Digest, Alternative and Complementary Therapies, and more. Judy specializes in nutrition intervention and support for autism, ADHD, FPIES, encopresis, constipation, growth and feeding problems, food allergy, and food sensitivity. Her expertise in working with special diets includes: GAPS Low FODMAPS Gluten-Free, Casein Free+ Ketogenic FPIES safe foods